Thursday, April 22, 2010
Online Web Marketing Is The Right Option To Web Promotion
Learning and Teaching of Quran
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Do We Read Quran Like We Should?
(Qur’an 3: 2-3)
Today most of us fail to understand the importance Quran in the life of a Muslim. In the present time the Muslims have a copy of Quran in their homes. But most of the time the book is wrapped up in a cloth and kept high in a cupboard. The busy lives of Muslims show that they don’t even have time to read it. Or maybe they never felt a need to take help of Quran. Quran recitation is not the practice of Muslims any more.
Accessibility of Quranic verses is not a problem anymore. Now you can even get to read it online. It is accessible anywhere in the world. So even if people cannot carry it everywhere they can easily log in to online Quran.
Unfortunately the people have lost their faith somewhere in the dust of their sins. They are not even willing to have a look at the guidance sent to mankind by Allah.
” O people! There has come to you an exhortation from your Lord - a healing for what is in the hearts, a guidance and a mercy for the believers. Say: In this bounty of Allah, and in His mercy, in it, let them rejoice!"
(Qur’an10: 57-8)
Web Marketing Play A Vital Role In The Promotion Of A Website
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Jungle green color bedroom interior

Green is color of nature, growth, hope, youth, health, spring and Saint Patrick's Day. It is a mixture of yellow and blue, or yellow and cyan and is deemed as one of the additive primary colors. Green is the color of resurrection and regeneration in many religions for instance paradise is symbolized by green, blue-green, and blue colors in Iran whilst in china jade stones represent virtue and beauty. Pedro Calderon de la Barca says about green that;
"Green is the prime color of the world and that from which its loveliness arises."
There are many shades of green like spring bud , spring green, tea green, teal, forest green, viridian, yellow-green and jungle green. Jungle green color was formulated by Crayola in 1990. Crayola is an industrial pigment supply company founded in New York as Binney & Smith in 1885.The room in an above picture is an absolute sample of simplicity where jungle green color stripped overlay and pillow is used whilst t he curtains are in complete match with the bed overlay. Besides tables on each sides of the bed there is no furniture and big glass window and glass door is adding the wideness of the room. The theme of the room is coolness which is augmented by the off white tiles and flax color wall.
Color scheme of the room is selected very correctly which is testified by the fact that wall’s color are in complete accordance with the jungle green theme color as flax is a pale yellowish-gray color. In short the whole room is decorated in a careful manner but all efforts will be in vain without a memory foam mattress because it is the best mattress available today. Think for a while what the purpose of the decoration is when you wake up with aching back in the morning? so be rational and buy memory foam mattress or memory foam topper for your well decorated room.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Friendship and Islam

Friendship is the sweet relation which is based on the following attributes are as mentioned below:
1. A good desire for a person (friend)
2. Sympathy or fellow feelings
3. Honesty, loyalty or sincerity
4. Mutual understanding
Islam has proposed some main points in favor of the Friendship are as mentioned below:
· Always love your friends and become a source of love for them
· A person is very lucky whose friends or relatives love him & the person indeed is unfortunate if his friends or relatives run away from him.
· It is mentioned that a person is not rich who has money but who has friends and good company.
Hazrat Ali (a.s.) said very beautiful words about friendship as mentioned below:
‘He indeed is unfortunate who does not have any friends, but worse is the one who has friends, but loses them.’
In Holy Quran Allah mentioned that:
‘The friends shall on that day (of judgment) be enemies of each other except those who guard against evil.’[Zukhruf : 67].
From the last meaning of verses of Quran, it is cleared that there is much importance to have good company (of friends). And a wise saying is that a man is known by his company he keeps. So one should preferred to make few but good friends. And any relation is based on the single thing which is sincerity or loyalty. A real friend is one who keeps you away from the bad acts and encourages on the discussion of Islam. All we need is to make a friendship with our religion so that we get the ways to live our life. One can improve his knowledge and information by Online Quran learning. Distance learning has now solved all the issues of distance and time, where ever you are can arrange a time for your religious learning. All of us have completed Quran but a few of us has completed it with proper translation and meaning, so one should preferred to read it thoroughly. May God bless us with the knowledge of Islam!