Monday, March 29, 2010

Boost Your Testosterone Count Naturally

Secreted by the male testes and female ovaries, testosterone is the fundamental sex hormone that works by increasing energy, muscle mass, and libido while it’s deficiency may trigger the symptoms of aging. It is said that the average amount of testosterone in the bloodstream of every person is between 350 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl) which starts falling with growing age.
For all those concerned people whose testosterone level is on a fall, these natural tips will help you recover your lost testosterone and enable you to live as energetically as ever. Check out:
· Regular exercises may help increase your testosterone level.
· Weight lifting in a young age will help you store enough testosterone for your later age.
· Just like exercise, it’s also important to rest as well.
· Get rid of the fats accumulated in your belly region because these raise estrogen levels thereby shrinking testosterone level.
· When losing weight, focus more on exercises and diet control rather than utter starvation because an empty stomach can hinder testosterone production.
· Carbohydrates are an imperative part of your nutrition and body’s testosterone, and it shouldn’t be ignored in any case.
· Nuts contain a high amount of mono-saturated fat and people who eat them have a good chance of increasing their testosterone amount.
· Instead of taking 3 large meals, switch to 5 or 6 shorter ones a day.
· Consume more vegetables because they decrease the level of estrogen, paving way for more testosterone.
· Quit smoking and drinking high amount of alcohol because these actions may diminish testosterone from the body.
· Involve in intercourse at least once a week because less sexual activity may deprive you of testosterone.
All the above mentioned tips will help you increase your low testosterone level and battle the signs of aging.

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